Brighton OurstoryNEWSLETTERS  
20 Winter 2006
19 Summer 2006
18 Winter 2005
17 Summer 2005
16 Spring 2005
15 Summer 2004
14 Winter 2003
13 Summer 2003
12 Winter 2002
11 Spring 2002
9 Winter 2000
8 Summer 2000
7 Winter 1999
6 Summer 1999
5 Winter 1998
4 Summer 1998
3 Winter 1997

Issue 4 . Summer 1998

Comings, Goings and Doings . Dancing on the Beach at Baabe . Edward James. Walk on the Wilde Side . Honky-tonk Piano, Sailors and Other Rare Flowers . Out on the World Wide Web! . Mulling over the Argus

Mulling over the Argus

On a Sunday afternoon in December last year, a group of Brighton Ourstory Project members and wonderful volunteers gathered together to trawl through back copies of the Argus kindly donated by a neighbour. We were looking for tasty morsels for our archive and volunteers were bribed with mulled wine and mince pies.

Not toilets again!

Laundry bags full of Arguses were produced and it was a treat indeed to rifle through scores of back issues wielding a pair of sharp scissors. Rejecting stories of cats in trees and dogs and small children down rabbit-holes we went for the nitty-gritty, state-of-the-art lesbian and gay stories and those that might have been. This meant everything from examples of small-ads to the Riddle of the bearded man in a skirt and Lesbians urged to combat crime. The thrill of the hunt was punctuated with cries of Look at this, I don't believe it and Not toilets again! while we tried to decipher the Argusspeak for lesbian and gay. By the end of the afternoon we had a heap of cuttings to add to the archive, some of which are printed here, and had met lots of nice lesbians and gay men.

Pimm's and profiteroles

Thanks to everyone who helped and as you've probably guessed, we're having another Argus clipping session. This one will be on Sunday 13th September at 2.30pm. Phone Margaret for details. Bring your own scissors if you can. Bribery will be provided in the form of Pimm's and profiteroles and the chance to cut the Argus into small pieces.


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